Life on Yavin IV
Hello there. I'm Jedi Knight G. Since the creation of the New Jedi Order by Master Skywalker, the Jedi have been free to take part in previously forbidden activities. One of those being Marriage. The following are the tales of my experiences being married with children. May the force be with you...G.
Setting Hyperdrive for Myspace
Han Solo: All right, Chewie, let's get outta here!
Princess Leia: The Empire is still out there! I don't think it's wise to...
Han Solo: No time to discuss this in committee!
Princess Leia: I am not a committee!

Well like Han's time to get out of here. Yes. My work here is done. There are other places in the galaxy to explore so we're packing up the X-wing and leaving Yavin IV.
I'm headed for the Myspace system on the outer realm. There's been lots of activity in that region as of late so I've decided to go and check it out. I will stil be blogging, but it will be from the Myspace system where I have assumed the name of Editar_G (my sci-fi alter-ego).

So please follow this link to Editar_G's myspace blog.

The force will be with you... always.
posted by G. @ 6:21 PM  
  • At 6:59 AM, Blogger Dare said…

    So you're Editar_G. I got an email requesting this person to be a friend to myspace. I'm not all that big into the Myspace. 1. I can't access that from work. 2. It is so slow while using the dial-up connection from home. Don't you know good rebels don't abandon their post. Yavin IV will not be the same...

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Name: G.
Home: Arkansas, United States
About Me: I have a beautiful wife, Jennifer, who has blessed me with two children. Haven Dawn & Xander Thomas. I'm a Producer/Editor for UAMS (Univ. of Arkansas for Medical Sciences). Go Cowboys!
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