Life on Yavin IV
Hello there. I'm Jedi Knight G. Since the creation of the New Jedi Order by Master Skywalker, the Jedi have been free to take part in previously forbidden activities. One of those being Marriage. The following are the tales of my experiences being married with children. May the force be with you...G.
The Next Jedi Idol
"In my experience, there's no such thing as luck." - Obi-Wan Kenobi

The above pic is Gavin. A young padawan of a fellow Jedi friend of mine, Darren.
You can read the post of Gavin's guitar experience here
Jedi all have the same basic gifts, but they also have something that is unique to just them. Gavin it seems has inherited a portion of his great-grandfater's gift, strumming the guitar.
Remeber Gavin...with great power comes great responsibility. uh...wait...wrong movie.
Remember Gavin... The force is strong in your family. After all you do have some Darklighter in your linage.
posted by G. @ 8:13 PM  
  • At 6:52 AM, Blogger Dare said…

    I thought I made it big when you made a post about me. Now Gavin "on stage", is on his way to "I'm better and bigger than daddy" attitude. Thanks...

    You are really good. This just made my day.

  • At 7:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That is too perfect! Thanks Paul!

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Name: G.
Home: Arkansas, United States
About Me: I have a beautiful wife, Jennifer, who has blessed me with two children. Haven Dawn & Xander Thomas. I'm a Producer/Editor for UAMS (Univ. of Arkansas for Medical Sciences). Go Cowboys!
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